New Media: Spring Break Edition

Howdy folks,
Today I'm gonna tell y'all about my spring break. There was a whole lot of nothing going on. It was uneventful. I went home and the extent of what I accomplished was watching Netflix, reading a few ebooks, and sleeping. I watched Once Upon a Time I think, I might have also watched Alias Grace, it frustrated me. I read Cupid's Match... I said not a lot happened.

I'd like to say that I went traveling or something else interesting of the sort but no such luck. I talked to some friends through Snapchat and messenger? I honestly am not sure what to put here. I did very little. Oh, I spent a lot of time on Pinterest trying to entertain myself. I couldn't find anything to do.

It was boring, my family was weird, and I wanted to go back to school after about 48 hours. That was my spring break. Sorry, it wasn't more interesting, I wasn't a huge fan of it either.


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