
Showing posts from January, 2018

Art Department Promo Edinboro University

This is a professional example of a promo video for the art department at Edinboro University. I am unsure what program they used to create or how long it took them, but I did enjoy watching the video. I enjoyed their usage of students in their classes working on projects. I also enjoyed that they portrayed video of professors and students in the classrooms. This video was appealing to watch and made me want to learn more about the majors and program. I believe that a video like this could be beneficial to the English program at my university.

Bullet Journals: How an old school tradition is modern

Journals have been around for a rather long time to be approximately exact they have been around since the second century in ancient Greece. Originally they were known as diaries and were used to record someone's daily life and innermost thoughts. Today there are different kinds of journals. The bullet journal is something that was started in 2013 by a digital product designer named Ryder Carroll. He decided to start a website that showcased his journaling process. Over the next few years he watched as the websites popularity grew and people began to use his journaling techniques. Many found the process so helpful because it was something the could personalize and cater to work for them. He laid the ground work and basic outline, everyone who used the bullet journal adopted it and put their own unique ideas to it. I personally have been journaling on and off for the vast majority of my life. When I was younger it was in the traditional sense though when I started college it see

English for New Media Video

Okay, it's time for another video. I created this for a course with premiere pro through Adobe. It helps to emphasize or very least give a few examples of what I can participate in with my degree. As you can see there is a variety of literature and the adaptations of the books. There are movies and other examples of adaptations. There are also forms of new media in the video. Well without further ado the video will be placed below. I will place the newer, improved version of the video below. I didn't change much from the first to second iteration. Hope you like it!

Media Tools and Devices

Alright kiddos here is a list of electronic/ New Media devices. Ready go! I will first start off with a list of the old school stuff that was popular when I was young forever ago: Video cassette recorder Tapes DVDs  CDs Tape Recorder Digital Camera Video Camera Kindle Tamagotchi Ipod Touch MP3 Portable CD Player Laptop Computer GPS Here is the list of newer devices: Bluetooth Speaker Streaming Services Printer Smartphone Calculator As you can see there is a large number of devices that I used when I was younger though not so much as now. I currently spend most of my time using my phone for the newer devices that I need to use or can use in my daily life. With this post I realized that I use my phone for almost everything. I will try and pay more attention to this in the future.

English and New Media: A Relationship

Let's start this of with a few definitions. The definition of new media is the means of mass communication using digital technologies such as the internet. There are three different definitions of literature though they can be summed up as such: written works to inform, persuade, or entertain an audience. So what is the relationship between literature and new media. The simple answer would be they are both a form of communication and although they exist and are used in daily life in different forms both are a means to catalog the culture and information of a time period. New media changes periodically, often with each year there is a different form of New Media. Literature is similar in the sense that with each major event and generation there is a new movement in literature. Though New Media is a fairly recent and new concept it is still similar to literature and they still have a relationship. This post is significant because this blog focuses on the relationship between the

I have no clue what I'm doing


Test Post

Here is my first blog post. This is the test of a blog post. I hope you enjoy reading my ramblings. Here is a meme.