Bullet Journals: How an old school tradition is modern

Journals have been around for a rather long time to be approximately exact they have been around since the second century in ancient Greece. Originally they were known as diaries and were used to record someone's daily life and innermost thoughts. Today there are different kinds of journals.

The bullet journal is something that was started in 2013 by a digital product designer named Ryder Carroll. He decided to start a website that showcased his journaling process. Over the next few years he watched as the websites popularity grew and people began to use his journaling techniques. Many found the process so helpful because it was something the could personalize and cater to work for them. He laid the ground work and basic outline, everyone who used the bullet journal adopted it and put their own unique ideas to it.

I personally have been journaling on and off for the vast majority of my life. When I was younger it was in the traditional sense though when I started college it seems to take a more haphazard approach in organization and ideas. This year I decided to buy a bullet journal as an attempt to organize my life a little bit better as my life seems to get harder to keep track of. I have been more busy lately and hope that the journal will help me organize my time.

Through the increase of social media the trend has grown and changed over time. Videos now exist that help those who are new to bullet journaling know what they are doing. Buzzfeed and YouTube have made it easier to try the trend. Pinterest is also a website that helps others cater the journal to their needs particularly. I can include a few video examples below to help explain this trend better than I can.


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